Scientific Comittee
Chaired by Påvel Lindberg, the scientific committee will operate as a ‘think-tank’ with a focus on dexterity and will help Dextrain to meet the clinical needs in neurology, neurorehabilitation, psychiatry and geriatrics. The committee will also provide scientific expertise on latest technological developments in the field of neurological measurement and give clinical feedback on tools from many specialities and clinics.
Faïza Arnaud-Bouatou is a Physical Medicine and Réhabilitation physician specialized in neurorehabilitation, working in West Paris Hospital network. She has many years of clinical experience (public and private centres) in France and Switzerland. She graduated PMR physician in 2011. Faiza has developed and supervised outpatient rehabilitation clinics with a focus on eurorehabilitation and home care services with a neuro-environmental and integrative medicine approach. She has extensive experience of treating sensorimotor but also cognitive impairments. Together with the neurology department at the André Mignot hospital and with professor PICO she developed stroke patient care pathways for geriatrics and cognitive impairment. She has also acquired knowledge in patient therapeutic education from Sorbonne Université (2018) and works as medical consultant for Patient therapeutic Education.
Joël Belmin is professor and head of the geriatric department of a French hospital located near Paris and is responsible for geriatrics and
gerontology teaching at the Sorbonne Université. He has a particular interest in drug use, infectious diseases, cognition disorders and cardiovascular diseases in the elderly. He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and is the editor of Gériatrie pour le praticien, the main French textbook of geriatrics (Masson/Elsevier Publisher, 2018). Prof Belmin is a member of the editorial boards of Drugs and Aging, Gerontology, La Presse Médicale, the Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, and Diagnostics.
Friedhelm Hummel is professor at the Centre for Neuroprosthetics (CNP) and the Brain Mind Institute (BMI) at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, and associate professor at Clinical Neuroscience at the University Medical School of Geneva. He directs the Defitech Chair for Clinical Neuroengineering. His main research interests is stroke recovery with a focus on multimodal imaging, the development of interventional neurotechnology based on non-invasive brain stimulation and personalization to enhance functional recovery and the understanding of underlying mechanisms.
Marie-Odile Krebs is a professor in psychiatry at the GHU Psychiatry and Neuroscience hospital in Paris. She runs the Pôle PEPIT, a clinic specialized in early evaluation, prevention and therapy innovation for young adults with neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorders. Marie-Odile leads a research team “Pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders” at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (Inserm U122, Université de Paris). Her research is translational neuroscience, from basic science to clinical trials, and she has over 300 scientific publications with many collaborative partners and has received a number of scientific prizes and distinctions. She presently leads a French ANR-RHU funded multicentre consortium addressing early personalized intervention in psychosis (the PsyCare project).
Påvel Lindberg will chair the scientific committee. He is a researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (Inserm U1266, Université de Paris) in the stroke research team of Pr Jean-Louis Mas. He obtained a PhD in 2007 on hand motor recovery after stroke (Uppsala University/Karolinska Institute, Stockholm). He leads research on the development and validation of quantitative tools for measurement and rehabilitation of manual dexterity in stroke (from spasticity to independent finger movements). He also studies post-stroke recovery mechanisms using MRI and transcranial magnetic stimulation, and studies sensorimotor impairments in schizophrenia. A main aim is to translate advances in biomechanics and neuroscience to clinically useful technology.
Susanne Palmcrantz is a physiotherapist, specialized in neurology, working as a manager and researcher at the University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. She obtained a PhD in 2012 on mapping long term effects of stroke among younger persons living in the community in Sweden and now coordinates a research group with a focus on development and testing of new medical technology for prediction and rehabilitation of sensorimotor impairments after stroke.
Charlotte Rosso is a professor in stroke neurology working in the stroke unit at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, and a clinical scientist working at the Brain institute. She completed her PhD in 2009 with Sylvain Baillet on diffusion MRI biomarkers in stroke patients’ outcome prediction. During her post-doc, she developed her skills with functional MRI and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (Supervisors: S. Meunier and S. Lehéricy) to study brain plasticity after stroke, and in order to apply individualized treatments to patients. Since 2015 she performs research in the MOV’IT group (normal and abnormal movement: pathophysiology and experimental therapeutics; heads: Prs M. Vidailhet and S. Lehéricy). She already completed several research programs as PI devoted to the study of stroke severity and prognosis using neuroimaging and the neural correlates of stroke severity and recovery (using resting state fMRI, and DTI).
Yves Vandermeeren is professor in stroke neurology at Godinne University hospital in Namur, Belgium. He leads the clinical Stroke Unit of the CHU UCL Namur (Mont-Godinne, Belgium) and directs the Stroke Recovery Lab (UCLouvain, Institute of NeuroScience (IoNS) / Louvain Bionics consortium). His main research topics are motor control and motor learning in the human being (healthy individuals and stroke patients), the plasticity of the motor system studied with structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and developing new neurorehabilitation approaches such as robotics to enhance recovery of motor function after a stroke.
1: Carment L, Khoury E, Dupin L, Guedj L, Bendjemaa N, Cuenca M, Maier MA, Krebs MO, Lindberg PG, Amado I. Déficits communs ou distincts du contrôle visuomoteur dans les troubles du spectre autistique et la schizophrénie. Autism Res. 2020 mars 10 doi: 10.1002 / aur.2287. Publication électronique avant l’impression. PMID: 32157824.
2: Carment L, Abdellatif A, Lafuente-Lafuente C, Pariel S, Maier MA, Belmin J, Lindberg PG. Dextérité manuelle et vieillissement: une étude pilote démêlant sensorimoteur du déclin cognitif. Front Neurol. 2018 octobre 29; 9: 910. doi: 10.3389 / fneur.2018.00910. PMID: 30420830; PMCID: PMC6215834.
3: Birchenall J, Térémetz M, Roca P, Lamy JC, Oppenheim C, Maier MA, Mas JL, Lamy C, Baron JC, Lindberg PG. Profils de récupération individuels de la dextérité manuelle et relation avec la charge de la lésion corticospinale et l’excitabilité après un AVC – une étude pilote longitudinale. Neurophysiol Clin. 2019 Avr; 49 (2): 149-164. doi: 10.1016 / j.neucli.2018.10.065. Publication en ligne du 2018 octobre 31. PMID: 30391148.
4: Térémetz M, Carment L, Brénugat-Herne L, Croca M, Bleton JP, Krebs MO, Maier MA, Amado I, Lindberg PG. Dextérité manuelle dans la schizophrénie – Un marqueur clinique négligé? Psychiatrie frontale. 2017 juillet 10; 8: 120. doi: 10.3389 / fpsyt.2017.00120. PMID: 28740470; PMCID: PMC5502278.
5: Térémetz M, Colle F, Hamdoun S, Maier MA, Lindberg PG. Une nouvelle méthode pour la quantification des composants clés de la dextérité manuelle après un AVC. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2015 août 2; 12:64. doi: 10.1186 / s12984-015-0054-0. PMID: 26233571; PMCID: PMC4522286.
6: Lindberg PG, Sanchez K, Ozcan F, Rannou F, Poiraudeau S, Feydy A, Maier MA. Corrélation du contrôle de la force avec la DTI rachidienne régionale chez les patients atteints de spondylose cervicale sans signes de lésion de la moelle épinière à l’IRM conventionnelle. Eur Radiol. 2016 mars; 26 (3): 733-42. doi: 10.1007 / s00330-015-3876-z. Publication en ligne du 2015 juin 27. PMID: 26123409.
7: Teremetz M, Amado I, Bendjemaa N, Krebs MO, Lindberg PG, Maier MA. Contrôle de la force de préhension déficient dans la schizophrénie: preuves comportementales et de modélisation d’une altération de l’inhibition motrice et du bruit moteur. PLoS One. 2014 novembre 4; 9 (11): e111853. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0111853. PMID: 25369465; PMCID: PMC4219790.
8: Bleton JP, Teremetz M, Vidailhet M, Mesure S, Maier MA, Lindberg PG. Contrôle de la force altéré dans la crampe de l’écrivain montrant un déficit bilatéral d’intégration sensorimotrice. Mov Disord. 2014 janvier; 29 (1): 130-4. doi: 10.1002 / mds.25690. Publication en ligne du 2013 octobre 10. PMID: 24123136.
9: Lindberg PG, Roche N, Robertson J, Roby-Brami A, Bussel B, Maier MA. Aspects quantitatifs affectés et non affectés du contrôle de la force de préhension chez les patients hémiparétiques après un AVC. Brain Res. 2012 mai 3; 1452: 96-107. doi: 10.1016 / j.brainres.2012.03.007. Publication en ligne du 2012 mars 10. PMID: 22464180.
10: Lindberg PG, Feydy A, Maier MA. L’organisation de la matière blanche dans la moelle épinière cervicale est liée différemment à l’âge et au contrôle de la force de préhension chez les sujets sains. J Neurosci. 2010 mars 17; 30 (11): 4102-9. doi: 10.1523 / JNEUROSCI.5529-09.2010. PMID: 20237280; PMCID: PMC6632292.
11: Lindberg P, Ody C, Feydy A, Maier MA. La précision de la force de préhension isométrique est réduite chez les adultes d’âge moyen. Exp Brain Res. 2009 Fév; 193 (2): 213-24. doi: 10.1007 / s00221-008-1613-4. Publication en ligne du 2008 octobre 25. PMID: 18953529.
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